Open Journal System (OJS) is an open-source platform for online publication and management of scholarly journals.
It was developed with funding from the Canadian government as part of the Public Knowledge Project.
Publication of content in PDF format, downloadable for free or for a fee.
Adherence to OAI-PMH standards ensures wide visibility of online content.
With these features, OJS is a versatile and professional solution for those in the scientific publication business.
OJS is a comprehensive journal management system that includes all functionalities needed to set up a professional website for your journal: to have the choice and customization of graphic appearance; manage article flows; manage subscriptions; and purchase single papers with online payment. The platform is suitable for academic and research institutions that normally do organizing and management of the editorial board of scientific journals by internal staff, and is the best solution for publishers that do organizing and management of scientific journals, as well as publishing.
Edikta offers a range of services dedicated to OJS, including:
OJS enables complete management of all editing stages and publishing of a scientific journal.
Key Features of OJS:
Allows you to set up and administer one or more online online journals, with a customizable design.